您可以使用 XMLSlideShow 類的 importContent()方法合并多個演示文稿。 下面給出的是合并兩個演示文稿的完整程序:
import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel.XMLSlideShow; import org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel.XSLFSlide; public class MergingMultiplePresentations { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{ //creating empty presentation XMLSlideShow ppt = new XMLSlideShow(); //taking the two presentations that are to be merged String file1 = "presentation1.pptx"; String file2 = "presentation2.pptx"; String[] inputs = {file1, file2}; for(String arg : inputs){ FileInputStream inputstream = new FileInputStream(arg); XMLSlideShow src = new XMLSlideShow(inputstream); for(XSLFSlide srcSlide : src.getSlides()){ //merging the contents ppt.createSlide().importContent(srcSlide); } } String file3 = "combinedpresentation.pptx"; //creating the file object FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file3); // saving the changes to a file ppt.write(out); System.out.println("Merging done successfully"); out.close(); } }
將上述代碼保存為 MergingMultiplePresentations.java ,然后從命令提示符處編譯并執(zhí)行它,如下所示:
$javac MergingMultiplePresentations.java $java MergingMultiplePresentations
Merging done successfully
下面給出合并兩個幻燈片后程序的輸出。 在這里您可以看到合并在一起的早期幻燈片的內(nèi)容。